favorite pizza topping??

If you had to pick one topping for a regular cheese & sauce pizza, what would it be? I would probably go with mushrooms

mushrooms is definitely up there, pretty into it when places have bonus garlic as a topping too.

jalapeño definitely

These days I'm thinking more about the texture of the dough, quality of sauce and cheese. If the basics are really up there to a high level, its like you don't even need toppings. Nothing like a high quality margherita. But anyway, enough pizza snobbery, lately I really like artichoke hearts!

im pretty old fashioned when it comes to pizza, so prolly pepperoni

I am with @freedrull on this. If the pie is good no need for extra food on top.
In PA they have "tomato pie" which is basically DEEP dish pizza without the cheese (sounds awful) it's REALLY yummy tho.

black olive is nice

corn on pizza is great



love some tomat

gotta be green olives, real southern pizza pros know