CD roms

Remember those ? CD roms? Came in cereal boxes and stuff ?


O <-- heard they looked somethin like this(allegedly)
nothing but lies
explain blu-ray then, genius

Happy birthday dj Xander ligma balls
anyone 100% chex quest
pretty sure i did….getting a free video game in a box of dang cereal was so amazing as a kid

i never had cereal boxes with discs but i did purchase a lot of magazines that came with cds: mostly computer stuff, but we also had a comics/video game-related magazine that had some cool stuff. i vividly remember popping the copy of encounters at the end of the world that came with a mag into my ps2 and watching all about how it's always either daytime or nighttime in antarctica and how climate change is a rather depressing prospect of the future.

(fast forward to today, climate change became even more depressing and even less future. what a wacksauce)
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